Combo 39" Black Electric Guitar with 10 Watt Amp, Guitar Case & More Accessories Description :
With this guitar, you will be receiving everything you need to start playing the guitar right away. This combo is perfect for beginners and would make a great holiday gift. It also includes all the accessories you need.
FEATURES: 39" Full Size Electric Guitar; Metallic Black; Body: Hardwood; Neck: Maple wood with Truss Rod; Finger board: Rose Wood; Frets: 22; String Length: 25.59" / 650mm; Pickups: Single coil X3; Regulator Volume X1, Tone X2, 5 Scale Tone Changer
AMP SPECIFICATIONS: 10 watts; Two band EQ; Volume, base tone and treble control; Headphone out
ACCESSORIES: Carrying Case; Strap; 10W Amp with cord; Tremolo Bar; Extra strings; Tuner; Picks
Combo 39" Black Electric Guitar with 10 Watt Amp, Guitar Case & More Accessories Features :
1. Metallic black finish
2. 10 WATT AMP
3. Two band EQ
4. Carrying Case
5. Tremolo Bar, Extra strings, Tuner, Picks
Combo 39" Black Electric Guitar with 10 Watt Amp, Guitar Case & More Accessories customer Reviews :
First off, let me start by telling you that I am a seasoned guitarist. I have owned over a dozen guitars in my lifetime and, believe it or not, this one wasn't the worst I ever owned. The body looks and feels absolutely great; there were a few minor imperfections, but nothing you would notice without a judging eye and possibly a magnifying glass. While the action came a little high for my taste, I am planning on adjusting it to better fit my needs. Most new guitars come like this, and online videos can help you learn to properly adjust the action. All of the switches and knobs work very well. The strings are completely terrible. Do yourself a favor and buy a pack of new strings before you even bother tuning the ones that come with it. They will begin breaking within an hour of use and will feel like razor wire on your fingers. The machine haeds are pretty low quality, but they do the job. The pick that comes with the guitar is the worst pick I have seen in my lifetime; just throw it away and pick up a few of them while you are buying the new strings. The amp is AMAZING; it is very loud for how small it is and it sounds very crisp and bright. The chord, while short, is pretty nice. The gig bag is okay (it isn't padded, but I wasn't expecting it to be). The strap is a little scary (quality wise) but it hasn't broken on me yet. Overall, this product is ROCKIN! AMAZING QUALITY, especially for the price. BUY, BUY, BUY! I would have paid well over $150 for this baby in a store, and that's without all the extras that come with it. Great investment for anyone on a budget! More Reviews ....
Combo 39" Black Electric Guitar with 10 Watt Amp, Guitar Case & More Accessories Price :
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