38" BLACK Acoustic Guitar Starter Package (Guitar, Gig Bag, Strap, Pick, eBook) Description :
This guitar has an attractive Black color finish; it's a complete combo package that comes with a guitar case, extra set of strings and a tuner. It's great for beginners; you'll be playing your favorite tunes with practice and dedication.
FEATURES: Full wood construction; Shoulder Strap; Extra set of strings; Great gloss finish; Easy to use tuner; Sturdy carrying case; 38 inches in length; Steel strings; Perfect for beginners
38" BLACK Acoustic Guitar Starter Package (Guitar, Gig Bag, Strap, Pick, eBook) customer Reviews :
Despite some other reviews, i received the guitar on the first date of the estimated delivery.
Out of the box, it did smell a little like a chemical, but by the next day the smell was gone.
The guitar came with a Strap, a Pick, a set of strings, a harmonica, a pitch pipe, and a gig bag. However, i never got the eBook.
The strap is very cheap looking, and short, which doesn't surprise me considering the price of the whole set. The pick is, well it's a pick, nothing really special about it. The set of strings looks good, it comes with all six, although there's no easy distinction between which string being which. The harmonica is okay, it's bigger than i expected, but it works, i don't know much about harmonicas, so i can't really review that. The pitch pipe is in tune, although i doubt they make pitch pipes that don't play the right pitches. Finally, the gig bag is very thin, and the guitar fits snugly into the bag.
The guitar itself is a great quality sound-wise. No fret buzz, very clean and pretty-sounding. But when it comes to the physical features of the guitar, it has more flaws. It looks like it was spray painted black. The fret markers look like little dots made using a paintbrush and white paint. There are places where you can tell the paint dripped, and there's white on some parts of the fingerboard, and black splotches of paint closer to the body, on the fingerboard.
All in all, i think this guitar is worth every penny. It was made clear that there guitars are mass produced, which explains the physical properties lacking. But it's great for starters, and being a starter package, it's meant for beginning guitar players. I would recommend this guitar to anyone who has never picked a guitar up and wants to learn, as long as they don't mind the looks of the guitar. More Reviews ....
38" BLACK Acoustic Guitar Starter Package (Guitar, Gig Bag, Strap, Pick, eBook) Price :
Sure! you Looking for great deals & best buy on 38" BLACK Acoustic Guitar Starter Package (Guitar, Gig Bag, Strap, Pick, eBook) ? yes, we have “38" BLACK Acoustic Guitar Starter Package (Guitar, Gig Bag, Strap, Pick, eBook)” in Best Price here
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